Welcome back! Happy 2020 two (let’s hope not!)
You’re the best!!
Questions? Please respond!
- Grade book is open for posting! As always instructions are here - https://www.theolycenter.org/posting.html. Please RUN YOUR REPORTS to see if there are any errors – it happens. BUT give it… maybe 30 minutes AFTER you post your grades. Many times some of you say you ARE posted but your report is red… Give it a little time for all the data to catch up. Also since we are not doing Citizenship (we are doing CCLR) the Citizenship column may be all RED. I do not know if this has been fixed and do not want to check right now. Be sure to do your CCLR grading instead. Those instructions are of course on the link above! Ryan has also sent them and will inform us of any updated/changes/improvements.
- Canvas Cross-listing and importing instructions will come soon! That has not changed. There is (or was) a big notice in Canvas about second semester classes. Be sure to read it!
- Copier/Printer in 200, the mailbox room. Remember when we used to be able to print to the copier in room 200? Two teachers came to me asking about why it does not work anymore. The codes were removed from the copier. BUT not if you need to print to it you need your code! You can use mine if you need one. It still needs to be set up that way so you do not interrupt another user standing at the machine. Also, that copier has been moved to the teacher “lunchroom”. I will get it renamed and instructions to you next week.
- MONITORS! Woohoo! Your 24-inch monitors are in. They were to be delivered in the summer with your laptop and dock, but Santa brought them instead! We are in the process of unboxing and barcoding them. If you would like yours ASAP please put in a work order. Otherwise, they will be set up by dept, or hall or some other way that works for us! Yes, you will be getting a dock and a monitor.
- With the laptops… there were some issues with them not booting up or showing a black screen of death or date/time error. This is because you have not plugged it in it has died a sad death. Please put in work orders and we can have it revived.
- Some of you always wait until you NEED something fixed (It’s human nature I know) But the longer you wait the longer it takes! On that note… We “Lost” our Network Engineer (Evan moved on) and others are filling in and keeping us working. Please keep putting in work orders.
- Not techie (except that it is a website!) Don’t forget this is PUBLIC information – Go here and click on schools - https://coronavirus.utah.gov/case-counts/ :(
- Screenbeams - Y’all are rockin’ those! It is so cool to see so many of you teaching “wirelessly” from your room. The only thing I would remind of is - If you are staying at your desk… You do not need to wear out your screenbeam, use your PC. But you will love your dock!
- New mics – ditto! They’re G R E A T. If you do not think so… you’re not using it!
- I had another student bring me a yellow powercord. PLEASE stop being nice! (Yes, I know who you are - they’re engraved!) Those are for your ROOM - NOT to be given out to students. They have a powercord or they can come get another one from mean ‘ol me!
You’re the best!!
Questions? Please respond!