This page has been created mostly because it is my excuse for so many computer/software problems that occur. It has been my mantra for a while but it is also in a sense giving me job security! Software changes and keeping up with them all has become a huge process. I hope to post things here that are either updates, annoyances, humorous, or maybe even useful. I am sure some how you can subscribe to this blog and you well you know... get my updates!
Who am I
I am "just a Librarian". But I also run all the technology at a High School in SLC, Utah.
A few years ago All was going perfect on our technology/software system through out our 90,000 plus (person) school district. Then we got hit hard with a virus. Since then they (IS) updates our software often with the Tuesday MS patches. I know updates are needed and required for many things. But holy cow sometimes they seem to cause as many problems as they fix. Not just MS (that's Microsoft BTW) Apple iOS is very annoying with it's updates. All software gets updated or it will become obsolete and go by the way of Atari or AOL. This is not just operating systems but software and websites and even printer drivers all get updates. This site will be a collection of some of those updates and the issues or that they may or may not cause. I hope it goes well and others contribute through their comments. |