Yep, Each week something similar to this!
- In the past I have shown you Arts and Culture and using the Google 3-D viewers (
Here is an explanation of A & C from Google. It is an overlooked Gem of a resources. There is content for every department. - Don’t forget that we all have Nearpod Accts as explained here. Nearpod is an interactive presentation tool that YOU can have total control over ON STUDENT chrome books (more info from
- TIPS Cards I do have your new cards for you to refer to any Technology questions you may have. I will get them out to you on Monday during PD. Please bring your old one to replace.
- A few weeks ago I sent out a survey to see who used LanSchool and who wanted training on it. Thank you to everyone who responded. I am hoping to get you trained on Monday during our PD day. If NOT enough teachers are wanting to use it we can take it off the student devices so please let me know.