- HAVE their OWN log-ins to your computer. DO NOT ever give out YOUR login or a computer logged in as you.
- CAN get a laptop from me in the morning when they arrive. BUT they will need to know if they need one or not based on YOUR lesson plan in Frontline
- HAVE an @graniteschools.org email
Please do not use personal e-mails/phones for subs. Work is work. Home is home.
Problem is - You send them a text with a link and they now have it on their phone - NOT on the computer. Or you send them a personal e-mail with information. You are now forcing them to open THEIR personal e-mail in front of YOUR students on the big screen. Work is work!
Log in to computer.
- Open Chrome
- Go to the Portal www.portal.graniteschools.org
- Check Frontline
- Check e-mail.
- Canvas? (Sub does not have access to your class)
- PC and projector. Old school (but still works s-l-o-w-l- y!)
(This should go away as per district but I let you keep them. Good or bad? -> YES!) - PC and smartboard (still, just a projector!)
- PC and Boxlight.
- There should be NONE of these - Too old with too new!
- Laptop and projector with dock (the current standard)
- If you leave your laptop - they can use that. All is good.
- They can plug their checked out laptop into your dock.
- Dock with external DVD player to show DVD.
- Laptop and Screenbeam
- Turn projector on
- Input as HDMI (1 or 2) per room. Follow instructions on screen! (Windows/K...)
- Laptop and Boxlight
- Do you have your TV set as a monitor in your dock?
- Don't have them use Unplug'd from a sub laptop unless you leave the the IP address of your TV!
- Plug HDMI and USB wires in
This might be easier since the sub may not know the name of your boxlight!)
- Boxlight ONLY (easiest for subs.)
- Have the sub use the Guest account on your Boxlight. You can save documents and links there. Probably the easiest thing to do!
- On the first gen of boxlights there is NO account feature but they can still use the Boxlight ONLY.
- Have the sub use the Guest account on your Boxlight. You can save documents and links there. Probably the easiest thing to do!
- I am sure I am missing some
- Lecture Hall
- Alumni Room
- Computer lab
- Music areas
- PE areas
- Lecture Hall
I like the word of the day. Let me know what it is and come get your external DVD player! I have two...